
Neil’s Story

Neil Wadhawan was exposed to yoga by his father at a very young age. He grew up learning about eastern philosophy, which eventually led him to receive a B.A. in Philosophy. He studied western and eastern music at an undergraduate and graduate level. His classes are playful and fluid, with the heart of each class featuring Neil playing a Djembe drum while simultaneously instructing. The Djembe plays the rhythm of the breath called Ujjayi, an ancient yogic breathing technique, which allows the practitioners to breathe and move in sync. Neil has been a teacher in several trainings in San Francisco and all over the world. He continues to share his love for the practice locally and beyond. Neil believes that in any art or discipline, one can only be a great student and never a master. There is always something new to learn and the only way to continue to grow is to remain a student. Neil is a proud endorsee of Remo.